NUDP - Nothern Uplands Development Programme
>>> Responsibility: Design and Implement Interm study to evaluate the NUDP
Pro - FLEGT - Support to the Lao EU-FLEGT process
>>> Responsibility: Facilitator and support planning and monitoring process
NIWRMSP - National Integrated Water Resources Management Support Project
>>> Responsibility: Design and Implement Outcome study

LMPP - Lower Mekong Public Policy Initiative
>>> Responsibility: Establish Result - oriented planning and monitoring system; Stakeholders survey
ICBF - Integrated Conservation of Biodiversity and Forest project
>>> Responsibility: Design result - oriented planning and monitoring system
FTL - Fair Trade Laos (2013- ongoing)
>>> Responsibility: Volunteer as the Advisor for M & E and a member of the FTL Management Board
SPLSPM - Support Project for Implemetation of Legal sector Master Plan (2014 - ongoing)
>>> Responsibility: Design and Support the Public Justice Survey & Legal Sector Master Plan Base-line
CLipAD - Climate Protection through Avoided Deforestation (2012 - ongoing)
>>> Responsibility: Establish output monitoring system and Design base-line study
STANDZ - Stop Transboundary Animal Diseases and Zoonoses Initiative (2013 - ongoing)
>>> Responsibility: Establish result - oriented planning and monitoring system and Facilitator
Hydropower and Mining Technical Assistance to the Government of Laos (2013 - ongoing)
>>> Responsibility: Establish: Result - oriented planning and monitoring system; The Project Implementation Manual and a Consultant Coordinator Forum for the 2nd phase